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Run Leading Vacancies - Running Shirts - Jackets - Apps


Run Leading - LiRF To ensure a continued schedule of runs within Berkshire Trail Runners we are looking for one or two more run leaders. The run leader courses are held frequently throughout the year at many locations throughout the UK. Assuming you are happy to commit your services for 1 year we are happy to cover the cost out of club funds. The course length is just one day, followed by an online criminal record check, which once received will validate your license for 3 years. With just 8 scheduled runs per month you may only be required to to lead 1-2 runs per month. I have spoken to a few of you who have shown some interest but are apprehensive about navigating their way around Swinley. However although we have one or two who have amazing navigation skills many of our leaders use mobile technology (phones etc) to plot their course around the forest. Whilst many of our regular runners are always on hand to help confirm the route or direction back to the lookout. The most crucial part of being a run leader is to ensure runners safety before and during the run, most of which will be explained during the course. Should you decide to offer your services to the club, you can take great pride knowing you have ensured the continued success of our club, whilst knowing that you have taken the pressure off our current core of regular run leaders who dedicate a lot of time and effort to the club. To find out more... Please contact any of the Run Leaders or contact us via email if you are interested in helping the club secure its future by becoming a run leader (LiRF) Running Shirts

For those of you wanting to order one of our running shirts please visit our Forum to add your order to our waiting list.

Running / Post Run Jackets

There have been a few enquiries about the BTR Jackets that Vikki and Dean have been wearing, these were made for us a while back and the order had to be returned due to quality / design issues. However we are happy to work with I-Prints (in Wokingham Without) about setting up a pre designed article that everyone can order for themselves. Once we know the demand we will look into this and provide specs and costs.

Running Safety

Please may I remind everyone, that when we are running through single track trails it is important that you stay at least 3-4 metres behind the runner in front so as to allow good visibility of hazards, such as Roots, Rocks, Dips and Low branches etc. There were two falls today on our Sunday run which thankfully amounted to nothing more than grazes.

Also please ensure you have the following numbers in your phone book should there be a more serious incident whilst running at Swinley...

1. The Lookout - 01344 354400 2. Park Ranger - 07 876 825 262

Park Run - App

I know many of you enjoy your Saturday 5k ParkRun. Should you wish to keep track of your progress there is a very good third part app now available which can track your progress.

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